Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hello my blogger friends,

Let me tell what I have experienced lately.

1.  I have figured out what the hose is for in the restroom.  I asked my colleague for the UK.  She replied that was for your parts (I laugh as I type that).  So, I think to my myself in Japan they have toliets with all sort of bottons that you high high and low.  It even has a seat warmer.  I can vouch that is a really nice feature then I turn my thoughts back to the hose in the bathrooms in Thailand, and I cannot wrap my head around the thought of spraying my parts with the water for either of these toliets.  If I cannot drink the water, I am not sure I want to spray my parts with the water because I have no idea where the water is coming from. Yes, I know that I take a shower everyday.  Actually, I take 2 because of the humidity. Taking a shower is a necessary task if I want people to be around me.  

2.  Today at lunch, my colleague order BLACK paste.  I will post a picture.

3.  A great business here is juicing every fruit and vegatable you can.  They drink a lot of juice!!!

4.  Today, I saw of grove of coconut trees.  As a matter of fact, there are so many pretty trees and flowers.

5. Krispy Kreme is EVERYWHERE!!

6. There are mini shrines everywhere

7.  I have been trying to talk to the cleaning lady and everyday, but she never responses.  She looks at me everytime I talk to her a smiles, but never says anything.  Ok, I must be stupid.  She cannot speak or understand a lick of english.

Finally, can someone tell me how to pictures without adding the one at a time.  I have look everywhere on this site.

Until next time:-)

I have another 5 weeks here, and I looking forward to it.  The people here are just wonderful1!


  1. Chae, to answer your photo question--when you create a post, click your 'insert image' button. Then if your photos are on your computer, make sure "upload' is in red on the left, then click 'Choose files'. Hold down the 'Control' button while selecting photos. Then click 'Open'. The photos will be loaded onto the blog and then you can move them around in the post

