Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ok, I think that I am in Thailand.  Last night, I cooked for dinner fried chicken, black eyed peas and purple sweet potates (I will post pictures of the dark purple sweet potatoes).  I have said it before, I just cannot believe how much American food and brands they have here.

I went into the city of Bangkok this past weekend.  I went to a couple of  malls.  I really cannot believe how many huge malls they have it.  There is more shopping opportunities than any woman should ever have.  I had a maniure and pedicure with gel polish this past weekend.  The price was $51 total for both services.  This price is really cheap.  I pay $35 dollars for just the manicure with gel polish in my little town in NC. I also saw a million street food stands.  You could buy salad, vegetables, fruit, meats (chicken?, pork?, beef?),  and fish (I mean whole fish with the heads, fins and tails).  They actually set-up the plastic table and chairs on the sidewalk so some of them are like little cafes.  Finally, I know that you are waiting to hear about the sex workers as they call them here.  It was early in the evening when we were walking back to the apartment, but I did see them getting ready for the night.  I saw the so called massage palors.  On one side of the sreet there was a group of ladies dressed in red and the other side of the street the ladies were dressed in black.  They are just so open with it.  Yes, I know that it is legal here to sell and buy sex, but it just seems like a foreign concept to me. Sorry, I will not have pictures of the ladies because I was to chicken to stop and take pictures like the tourist that I am.

I am planning to go to one of the beautiful islands here in a couple of weeks.  The beaches have white sand.  I can hardly wait to go.  I will post pictures once I go to the island.  I think I will also have a few storys about the boat or ferry ride to get to the island because I have never been on small boat like that before.

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