Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This post is about how do you know that you are in another country.

1. I started this post at 4:00AM, but had to start over because the internet when down.  Bad internet service
2. Yes, I am not blogging at 4:50AM.  I went to sleep at 7:30PM and woke-up at 3:30AM.  I am not sleeping on the Thai time yet, but I am not sleeping on the US time zone; however, I am sleep on somebodies time zone.
3. Today, I bought seaweed in a bag like potatoes. I have not tried the yet.  I am still building up my courage.
4. When, you are watching TV programs that have been cancelled in US, but are being advertised as new shows here.
5. When, you receive a business card with English on one side and the only thing you can read on the other side id the company name and the numbers.
6. When, you are 5'3"/160.02cm and you are the tallest person in the room.  I mean seeing the top of peoples heads.
7. When, you are saying yes to something that you have no idea what you just said yes to.
8.  When, you pay about $3.50 for a bag of chips ($1.59 in US), pop/soda ($1.59 in US) and a small tin of cookies($3.00 in US) (yes, I said a tin of cookies).  This means that the US dollars has more value than it does in the US.  This also means that I would be considered wealthy here with my current salary.  I could actually afford a driver and a housekeeper and many other things.  One of my Thai colleagues told me that it would be expensive to go stay at a 4 star hotel for $120/night.

I am sure there are some things that I have missed.  I will share them with you when I remember.


  1. I think #7 is my favorite!

  2. I am still working on listening better. I have another one to add. In the office, they will a cleaning person that washes all the dishes that people leave in the sink. In the afternoon, she walks around with glasses of water oftening to everyone. When you are in meetings, she brings water into the meetings.
