Saturday, May 5, 2012

OMG!! What a life experience this is!!! I went shopping today at this new mega mall that just opened up yesterday.  AWESOME!!  I went with one of my colleagues from the UK.  She use to work in Greensboro in the same office building that I work in.  What a small world.  She has been here a few months, so she is showing me the ropes. She helped me to buy groceries, and yes, I bought more than groceries (shoes, handbags and clothes.)  Next weekend, I am going to stay at her place.  She lives in the central of Bangkok in a 3 bedroom apartment, and she has a private driver.  She has a bigger budget than I do, but she is sharing with me.  Let me tell you, GOD IS GREAT!!!!!


  1. Hey, don't forget, size 9 shoes, sensible comfy flats up to 1" heels with arch supports for me..., I'm just saying! LOL Navy Blue sandals would be nice w/same features. Take care, hope you're having a good time. Great exposure for you!

  2. LOL..PolarBear, I will do my best. I am going into the city of Bangkok this weekend, so I will look for these items for you. You hold down the ladies for me while I am away.
