Sunday, July 1, 2012

I know that I have not been online in a while.  A lot has happened.

I told you that I went to the beach in Hua Hin, Thailand.  I had a great time.  I spent 2 days looking out at the ocean.  I took some wonderful pictures.

I then went to the Grand Palace in Bangkok.  It is one of the King's residences.  I took some wonderful pictures there also; however, my camera was stolen with my pictures from the beach and the Grand Palace. 

I have now moved to Shanghai, China.  I love my new apartment. I live in a gated community now.  There is a mall just across walk way.  It is very nice mall.  There is a grocery store in this mall.  My food shopping from this store has turned into an experience. 
1.  On my first shopping trip, yesterday I only bought 6 eggs (thought I hope were just normal) 2 bottles of water, 2 Coke zeros and a bag of Lays potato chips.  It was amazing that I found plain lays because there was green tea, chicken flavor, shrimp flavor, etc....  You also have to pay for the cheap plastic bags, so I had to buy recycle bag. 

I have egg salad on Wasa crackers for breakfast this morning with my regular eggs.  I had mayo and Wasa crackers because I brought them from Thailand:-).

2.  My second shopping trip was a little more fruitful.  I bought wheat bread, kiwi, blueberries more water and coke zeros and one of those travel bags on wheels to carry my groceries.  I also bought something that I hope is laundry detergent, fabric softener and dish washing detergent.

I had Skippy natural peanut butter and strawberry jam that I brought from Thailand. 

I am going to be a stick when I leave here, if I don't find a foreign grocery store.  I want to lose weight, but not this way.  Or I will be big as a house because McDonalds, Burger King and KFC.

   I will post pictures of my new apartment or the interesting food at the grocery store, oh wait, I don't have a camera. I will be going home the end of July, and I will get a new camera. I will have pictures in August.

China is going to be more of a survival challenge for me, so just pray for me and think good thoughts for me!!



  1. Bless yo heart, I hope, in the end, this works out to be a positive experience!

    1. It will be a positive experience. I will have something to tell my grand kids one day.

  2. Chae, you're awesome! Hate that your camera was lifted ;(. Despite this, it sounds like you're having quite the experience!

  3. Thanks Ham!! I am having a great experience!! I really hate that I lost my pictures of the beach of Thailand. Now, I have a new reason to go back to Thailand. I need to get new pictures of Hua Hin beach.
