Saturday, July 14, 2012

I am a little sad today because I had to move from my 2 bedroom apartment into a one bedroom apartment.  I lost a bedroom, bathroom a hall way, 2 big closets, bigger kitchen, 2 window seats.  And yes, I used every bit of this space. 

I did gain a few things.  I moved from the 7th floor to the 21st floor, which is the highest floor in the building.  I have a great view of the city and the gardens below when it is not smoggy.  The balcony is enclosed in glass, so I can go out and sit with big bugs and dirt.  I also guess I could put my suitcases out on the balcony since I lost all my storage space.  Finally, the most important item and I gained is quiet.  On the 7th floor there was a kid that lived above me. The noise level at times was unbearable.  There was time that I wanted to go up there and tell that kid to sit his/her a_s down.

I will be OK because I will only be in this apartment for 1 week.

I still have my office admirer.  Yesterday, he offered me some gun.  He is really trying to find an open window for peak my interest.  Please give me your comments on how to handle this situation.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Chae! Wow, do you have a picture of a guy friend you can hang up in your workspace and mention how you can't wait to get back to see your special someone Zeus :)
