Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello Everyone,

I will be home in 11 days including today.  I am so excited, I cannot see straight.  I cannot wait to eat just basic fruits and vegetables from the US.  USDA Meat - BEEF (steaks) and PORK.  I even want a hot dog. I want plain Lays potato chips:-).  You don't know what the basics are until you don't have them for more than a couple of weeks.  Speaking of eating, I had the best meal I ever had last night.  It was imported salad from the US (I hope) with thousand inland salad dressing and a 3oz can of tuna w/Kraft mayo from Thailand. YUMMY!!  OK, enough about food, so on to the good stuff.

My Chinese admirer is getting a little braver.  He is talking to me more.  Yesterday, I had to actually tell him, I had to get back to work.  He asked me to go to lunch with him yesterday.  I had to so no because I was going to eat with my colleagues.  At lunch time, I told my Chinese colleagues about him.  The ladies asked me if he was cute.  I must have had a look on my face that say really are you kidding me because one lady said, I bet all Chinese look alike to you.  I was stocked and stunned.  I did not really know what to say.  My brain do start back to working, so I said I just don't know how to describe him.  I also said that he appears to be a nice guy, but he is just not my type.  I don't know if I said the right thing or not.  What do you think?  I real ly glad that I will be coming home soon because I really don't know how to deal with this situation.

Also, when I return from the US, I will be moving downtown in the center of Shanghai by the Pudong River.  I hear that this around is better suited for Westerns.  There are grocery stores with imported food.  I will have my new camera then so I will post pictures.

Well until next time!!


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