Saturday, October 6, 2012


OK, now it is time to talk about my second apartment in Malaysia.  It is really a big apartment. It is the biggest one that I have had on my trip.  I live in 1400sqft./130sqmeters.  The actual size of the apartment is 1900sqft/177.  The apartment has 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining area, living area, storage room for luggage and a maid's room (includes a tiny, tiny bathroom (toilet, sink and shower)).  I am only paying for a 1 bedroom, so 2 of the bedrooms and 1 full bathroom are locked.  I have access to all the other rooms.  It is an older apartment, but it is OK.  I do have better hot water in this apartment.  I have hot water in the shower and main bathroom sink.  I have to heat up water in the coffee kettle to wash my dishes in hot water.  I do have an indoor washer and driver.  I keep saying this over and over again, it is the small things in life that are the most important, example our families, hot water when you turn on the faucet,  water that you can drink from the faucet, food regulations, and just basic choice to choose whatever we want and say.

The apartment that I liked the best is the one in China.  It had elegance to it.  The furnishing and appliances were of a higher quality, and the service level has been the best.  I know that both Malaysia and Thailand have been quality apartments because the expats that I know in both countries have very nice apartments; however, since I was only staying 2 months instead of a 1 or 2 year assignment, I did not have the option to live in those apartments.  You live and learn. If I had another assignment, I would INSIST on those types of apartments.

I went on a business trip to Singapore, Singapore.  Singapore is a beautiful and clean city.  It is very experience in Singapore compared to Malaysia, Thailand and China.  As a matter of fact, the people from Singapore drive about 4 hours to go shopping in Malaysia because they can get more for their money. Since, I was only in Singapore for a few days, I do not know what it takes to live there.  I can say that their common language is English because it too has a very diverse culture.  When I was in Singapore, I went to a night zoo and Universal Studios.  Yes, there is a zoo that is open at night.  They do not shine the lights directly on the animals, but the animal’s habitats have light so we can see them.  At times when I was walking through the night zoo, it was kind of scary because I was always thinking that one of the animals would get away and attack me.  Don't laugh at me, but it was night time and there is just dime light around you.  I took a few pictures that I will post. 

Surprisely, I really enjoyed Universal Studios (US). I went to US with my Aussie mates. I felt like a kid.  I rode on roll coasters.  I have not ridden on roll coasters in about 20 years.  It was really fun. 

I had a manicure and pedicure in Singapore.  There pedicure chair was missing there also, just a bucket.
Singapore was really fun!!

My pictures are the night zoo, Universal Studios (Transformer, Water World, Mummys)



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