Sunday, August 12, 2012


Since I have a camera now, I am posting some pictures of my apartment in Shanghai, China and the view from my apartment.  I see the downtown area.  It is about 7 to 8 miles or 11 to 12km to downtown.  I know that is not very far, but there is so much traffic here that is about a 20 to 30 minute ride in the taxi.  Also the day that I took the pictures, it was a clear day.  If I were to take the pictures today, the city would look like it was covered in smog. 

I never thought I would say this, but I could live here.  It seems to be much easier for me know.  I will tell you this, I was glad to get back from my trip from South Korea.

I am planning to go to Beijing on Thursday, and I will spend the weekend there.  I am hoping to go to the famous summer garden and to the 2008 Olympic Village.  I hope it will be clear in Beijing for my pictures.

Enjoy the pictures!!

Until next time.
Living room in my Shanghai Apartment - 2012

Dining Area - when I arrived back from the US, I had flowers, fruit, snacks, and toilettes waiting for me


Try doing your laundry with Chinese characters.  I use a guide that explains in English

I wish I had this kitchen in the US




These flowers were in my bathroom when I arrived back from the US.

Additional clothes drying - I actually like it.  It is so hot that they clothes dry really fast.

The view of the gardens from my apartment

The view of the gardens from my apartment

The view fo the gardens from my apartment

This are apartment buildings across the street from my apartments, and this is only on one side

Skyline of Shanghai

Skyline of Shanghai

Skyline of Shanghai - a bridge

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