Sunday, August 19, 2012


I visited Beijing this weekend. I worked on Friday of course, but I on Saturday I went on a tour to the Summer Palace, Lama Temple and the Beijing Zoo (Panda Garden).  We ate lunch at the Pearl house.  At the Pearl House, we could buy fresh water pearls, and there were pearls from the ocean.   I learned that oysters from the sea only make one pearl at a time, but fresh water pearls can produce many.  In China, they actually farm oysters to get the fresh water pearls, and they make each oyster produce anywhere from 5 to 15 pearls per oyster.  The color of the pearls depends on what they eat.  They make 3 colors: white, pink color and a very dark grey.

I also had some really great food in Beijing.  I really like Beijing.  The only problem is the pollution.  It is really kind of scary because there is so much pollution.  I will post pictures of the pollution.  I think Beijing reminds me of home, not the size of course.  Beijing is friendlier than Shanghai.  Shanghai is like New York (sorry New Yorkers) and Beijing is like Greensboro.

I had no major adventures just enjoyed the tour.  I will be added a lot of pictures.  I remember some of the history behind the pictures, but not all.  I will try to put labels on them the best that I can.  I hope you enjoy them.
Lama Temple

Lama Temple - tablet was written in 4 languages

Lama Temple -Lamas/monks live in the building next to the bell

The morning sun in Beijing is blocked from the pollution

Pandas at the Beijing Zoo.  Picture is through a glass which had lots of finger prints

Panda at the Beijing Zoo

Fresh water oyster

Birds Nest in Beijing - Picture not clear due to pollution

They call this building Big Pants - again the pollution. The builing is across the highway from my hotel

Apartment buildings in Beijing

Lotus at the Summer Place

Lotus at the Summer Place

Lotuc at the Summer Place

Lotus at the Summer Place

Lotus garden at the Summer Place

Marble Boat - it does not float.  It was builted by the Dragon Lady

A dragon ferry at the Summer Place - I road one of these

A ferry at the Summer Place

Really old tree in the Summer Place

Drive to the airport this is major pollution - the driver had the window down SCARY!!

Accident in Beijing - In the 2 1/2 years that I have been there, I have never seen an accident

Entrance into the Lama Temple

Budha at the Lama Temple

Binkgo Tree in the Lama Tree

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Since I have a camera now, I am posting some pictures of my apartment in Shanghai, China and the view from my apartment.  I see the downtown area.  It is about 7 to 8 miles or 11 to 12km to downtown.  I know that is not very far, but there is so much traffic here that is about a 20 to 30 minute ride in the taxi.  Also the day that I took the pictures, it was a clear day.  If I were to take the pictures today, the city would look like it was covered in smog. 

I never thought I would say this, but I could live here.  It seems to be much easier for me know.  I will tell you this, I was glad to get back from my trip from South Korea.

I am planning to go to Beijing on Thursday, and I will spend the weekend there.  I am hoping to go to the famous summer garden and to the 2008 Olympic Village.  I hope it will be clear in Beijing for my pictures.

Enjoy the pictures!!

Until next time.
Living room in my Shanghai Apartment - 2012

Dining Area - when I arrived back from the US, I had flowers, fruit, snacks, and toilettes waiting for me


Try doing your laundry with Chinese characters.  I use a guide that explains in English

I wish I had this kitchen in the US




These flowers were in my bathroom when I arrived back from the US.

Additional clothes drying - I actually like it.  It is so hot that they clothes dry really fast.

The view of the gardens from my apartment

The view of the gardens from my apartment

The view fo the gardens from my apartment

This are apartment buildings across the street from my apartments, and this is only on one side

Skyline of Shanghai

Skyline of Shanghai

Skyline of Shanghai - a bridge

Hello Everyone,

On my last post, I told you that I was going to Changwon, South Korea.  I had a very interesting trip, so lets get started.
 - First, I learned that the people in South Korea do not refer to their country as South Korea.  They are just Korea.  The country name is actually Republic of Korea.  Perhaps some of you knew that, but I did not.
 - The people are very nice, but they kind of keep to themselves.  One interesting fact about them is they brush their teeth all the time and everywhere.  I actually saw a women working at the Kevin Calvin store brushing her teeth at the register.  She did not have any customers, so I guess she just decided to brush her teeth.
 - It is very expensive to live in Korea compared to China and Thailand.
 - Their roads and streets are set-up just like in the US.  Changwon actually reminds me of Greensboro, North Carolina.  It is bigger than GSO.  There are at least 1 million in Changwon, which is one of their bigger cities.
 - The landscape is beautiful there!  There are mountains in every direction that you look.  I will post pictures of the mountains. 

OK to the really good stuff
 - I did not have any encounters with unique bathrooms, but I am sure that they exist.  I am very glad that I did not encounter any unique bathrooms.
 - There were the normal restaurants: McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks, and Dunkin Doughnuts
 - I was able to have an Omelet and silver dollar pancakes for breakfast.  The breakfast was buffet style and some cook to order food.
 - The plant cafeteria was a little more interesting. I have to say that most of the time; I DID NOT know what I was eating.  Pork? Beef? Chicken? ETC? There was one day that I chicken and rice soup. I was so thankful!!!
 - My colleagues took me out for a traditional Korea dinner.  OMG!!!  I really cannot describe the experience.  First, there was normal salad (lettuce, tomato, onions, and mushrooms) and rice.  I did know when I was eating beef, fish and shrimp, but pass those items I had no idea.  There was food that I would not even eat.  For me, the food was either too bland or too spicy hot or just unknown.  It was very hard to find the middle of the road.

The building with the white tigers is actually the mall and here a lot of restuarants are.

This was a family area right beside the hotel

The bottom line for me, I think it would be very hard for me to live in Korea based on the food and the living accommodations.