Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hello Everyone,

I am home, YEAH!!!  I have been spending time with my parents, son doggie and BFF.  I still have many more to see.  I have been eating some of my favorite foods: American salad, steak, cherries, American water with tons of ice, pancake and greek yogurt.  It is the same things in life that really make you happy.

I have been grocery shopping, so when I go back to China I will have a suitcase full of food. 

Love being home!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012


I will be leaving for the airport in about 2 hours and 29 minutes!!  I AM COMING HOME!!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

I am a little sad today because I had to move from my 2 bedroom apartment into a one bedroom apartment.  I lost a bedroom, bathroom a hall way, 2 big closets, bigger kitchen, 2 window seats.  And yes, I used every bit of this space. 

I did gain a few things.  I moved from the 7th floor to the 21st floor, which is the highest floor in the building.  I have a great view of the city and the gardens below when it is not smoggy.  The balcony is enclosed in glass, so I can go out and sit with big bugs and dirt.  I also guess I could put my suitcases out on the balcony since I lost all my storage space.  Finally, the most important item and I gained is quiet.  On the 7th floor there was a kid that lived above me. The noise level at times was unbearable.  There was time that I wanted to go up there and tell that kid to sit his/her a_s down.

I will be OK because I will only be in this apartment for 1 week.

I still have my office admirer.  Yesterday, he offered me some gun.  He is really trying to find an open window for peak my interest.  Please give me your comments on how to handle this situation.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello Everyone,

I will be home in 11 days including today.  I am so excited, I cannot see straight.  I cannot wait to eat just basic fruits and vegetables from the US.  USDA Meat - BEEF (steaks) and PORK.  I even want a hot dog. I want plain Lays potato chips:-).  You don't know what the basics are until you don't have them for more than a couple of weeks.  Speaking of eating, I had the best meal I ever had last night.  It was imported salad from the US (I hope) with thousand inland salad dressing and a 3oz can of tuna w/Kraft mayo from Thailand. YUMMY!!  OK, enough about food, so on to the good stuff.

My Chinese admirer is getting a little braver.  He is talking to me more.  Yesterday, I had to actually tell him, I had to get back to work.  He asked me to go to lunch with him yesterday.  I had to so no because I was going to eat with my colleagues.  At lunch time, I told my Chinese colleagues about him.  The ladies asked me if he was cute.  I must have had a look on my face that say really are you kidding me because one lady said, I bet all Chinese look alike to you.  I was stocked and stunned.  I did not really know what to say.  My brain do start back to working, so I said I just don't know how to describe him.  I also said that he appears to be a nice guy, but he is just not my type.  I don't know if I said the right thing or not.  What do you think?  I real ly glad that I will be coming home soon because I really don't know how to deal with this situation.

Also, when I return from the US, I will be moving downtown in the center of Shanghai by the Pudong River.  I hear that this around is better suited for Westerns.  There are grocery stores with imported food.  I will have my new camera then so I will post pictures.

Well until next time!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I will survive!!  I talked to one of my colleagues who has relocated here from France about grocery stores with imported food.  He gave me 2 stores.  I have not been to the stores yet because I will have to move into a different apartment next week, so I don't want to buy groceries and then move them.

I believe there is a guy in the office that has a crush on me. When he first stopped me at the door, he asked me if I was from India, which is kinda of funny because when I was in Thailand a Thai/Indian guy asked me the same thing.  He has already asked me to teach him English, which was in 30 minutes of him meeting me.  I bet you are saying, why does she think he has a crush on her.  It is the way he looks at me, all smiles and goofy looking.  The guy in Thailand did the same thing.  NO JOKES:-))  My French colleague, Tristan is laughing at me, so not you too.

I am off today because I am celebrating the 4th of July, STARS AND STRIPES!! Remember my time zone is12 hours ahead of yours, so it is Wednesday, July 4th for me already.  I am a little sad:-(
because I will not have any hot dogs, bbq, coleslaw. etc. 

I will be home in 2 1/2 weeks:-))))!!!!!  I will eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and American beef!!!!!!!!

Happy 4th to my American friends!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I know that I have not been online in a while.  A lot has happened.

I told you that I went to the beach in Hua Hin, Thailand.  I had a great time.  I spent 2 days looking out at the ocean.  I took some wonderful pictures.

I then went to the Grand Palace in Bangkok.  It is one of the King's residences.  I took some wonderful pictures there also; however, my camera was stolen with my pictures from the beach and the Grand Palace. 

I have now moved to Shanghai, China.  I love my new apartment. I live in a gated community now.  There is a mall just across walk way.  It is very nice mall.  There is a grocery store in this mall.  My food shopping from this store has turned into an experience. 
1.  On my first shopping trip, yesterday I only bought 6 eggs (thought I hope were just normal) 2 bottles of water, 2 Coke zeros and a bag of Lays potato chips.  It was amazing that I found plain lays because there was green tea, chicken flavor, shrimp flavor, etc....  You also have to pay for the cheap plastic bags, so I had to buy recycle bag. 

I have egg salad on Wasa crackers for breakfast this morning with my regular eggs.  I had mayo and Wasa crackers because I brought them from Thailand:-).

2.  My second shopping trip was a little more fruitful.  I bought wheat bread, kiwi, blueberries more water and coke zeros and one of those travel bags on wheels to carry my groceries.  I also bought something that I hope is laundry detergent, fabric softener and dish washing detergent.

I had Skippy natural peanut butter and strawberry jam that I brought from Thailand. 

I am going to be a stick when I leave here, if I don't find a foreign grocery store.  I want to lose weight, but not this way.  Or I will be big as a house because McDonalds, Burger King and KFC.

   I will post pictures of my new apartment or the interesting food at the grocery store, oh wait, I don't have a camera. I will be going home the end of July, and I will get a new camera. I will have pictures in August.

China is going to be more of a survival challenge for me, so just pray for me and think good thoughts for me!!
